Mission & Vision
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools: a welcoming community where we nurture faith, encourage excellence in learning and inspire students to serve others, making the world a better place.
We love because He first loved us. - 1 John 4:19
At Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools we are:
- Rooted in Faith
- Growing in Knowledge
- Reaching Out to Transform the World
Belief Statements
Rooted in Faith
I. We see God in all things.
Gospel Values: Love and respect.
We see that God is in all things, especially our students, who are created by God and loved by God. We teach children how they can encounter God in everyday life.
II. A Catholic school is a community of faith, hope and love.
Gospel Value: Community
At their Catholic school, children meet and experience Jesus. They learn from caring, committed staff who seek to give students a sense of belonging. We continue the teaching, healing and guiding work of Jesus.
III. Our faith is living and growing.
Gospel Value: Faith
In our schools, mind, body and soul are nourished. Staff and students cultivate their faith in many ways: through prayer, scripture study, liturgical celebrations, retreats and faith instruction. Our actions and relationships with each other reflect our faith.
Growing in Knowledge
IV. We strive to have each student attain academic excellence, based on each one's God-given talents.
Gospel Value: Hope
Catholic education helps all children as they seek to reach their full potential spiritually, academically, physically, socially and emotionally. Academic excellence is pursued while maintaining a concern about the development of the whole child.
V: Students discover how their faith is part of learning and of life
Gospel Value: Courage
We strive to see and learn about God in each part of the curriculum, not just religion class. Our faith is at the heart of understanding who we are and our place in the world. We are wiser for it.
VI: Our young people grow in freedom and responsibility
Gospel Value: Reconciliation
We have the freedom to choose our path in life, to choose right from wrong, to build up or to tear down. We educate our students about the responsible use of this freedom. We are most free when we accept and extend God's love to the world.
Reaching Out to Transform the World
VII: All are welcome, especially those most in need
Gospel Value: Justice
We reach out to all. Catholic educators see it as their mission to welcome all of God's children, especially those who are struggling to find their way.
VIII: We reach out to transform our world
Gospel Value: Service
Through our encouragement and example, our students become people who feel a sense of responsibility to change the world for the better. As people of faith, they ask what they can do to bring Christ's message of peace and justice to their neighbourhoods, their communities and beyond. We help them find answers to this question.