On-site Preschools
January 9, 2025
- Independent preschool programs are located in many of our elementary schools.
- The programs are operated by non-profit organizations and run independently of the school division.
- Programs are generally offered two-to-three times a week for three hours or less.
- Preschool programs are currently available at the following schools. Contact information is available at the school offices.
Bishop Filevich Ukrainian Bilingual School | Sadok Dzvinok (Ukrainian Bilingual Preschool) | Shirley Zlipko | 306-227-0314 |
Bishop Pocock School | Wildwood Co-operative Preschool | Gail Mullock Carrie | 306-659-7169 306-979-4761 |
École Cardinal Leger School | Explorers Preschool (French and English) | Shelley Bettker | 306-227-4325 |
École Father Robinson School | Joyful Feelings Preschool | Doreen Kazman | 306-880-6179 joyfulfeelingspreschool@gmail.com |
École Sister O’Brien School | Little People’s Preschool (French Immersion) | Theresa Johnson | 306-292-7299 littlepeoplespreschool@outlook.com www.littlepeoplespreschool.net |
École St. Gerard School | Petits Pandas Preschool (French Immersion) | Nicole Pabasiak | 306-659-7339 |
École St. Luke School | Emmeline Preschool | Andrea Neufeldt-Rodda | 306-659-7258 |
École St. Matthew School | Mes Amis Preschool (French Immersion) | 306-659-7820 http://saskatoonmesamis.ca/ | |
École St. Mother Teresa School | Mother Teresa Co-operative Preschool | Diane Wilby | 306-659-7249 |
École St. Paul School | Little People’s Preschool (French Immersion) | Theresa Johnson | 306-292-7299 littlepeoplespreschool@outlook.com www.littlepeoplespreschool.net |
St. Angela School | Little People's Preschool | Theresa Johnson | 306-292-7299 littlepeoplespreschool@outlook.com www.littlepeoplespreschool.net |
St. Dominic School - Humboldt | St. Dominic Co-op Preschool | 306-682-1080 | |
St. Dominic School - Saskatoon | Precious Tots Co-Op Preschool | Johanna Clancy | 306-659-7299 |
St. Gabriel School - Biggar | Tiny Tots Nursery School | Susan Lehnert | 306-948-3971 |
St. George School | Tykes & Tots Early Learning Centre Inc. | Nancy Lautner | 306-382-1700 306-260-2886 executivedirector@tykesntots.ca |